My speaking engagements

Got featured in the YouTube video of 'Project Reboot - Delhi' by Google Developers India. It was a meet-up consisting of Developers who were associated with the Google Developer Ecosystem - GDEs, G...
Hosted an 'Ice-breaking' session for the mentees of Codess.Cafe along with Kirti Dabas.
Hosted a session on "Profile Building" exclusively for the mentees of Codess.Cafe along with Aarnav Jindal and Kirti Dabas.
Twitter Space on Experiences with Product Based Companies Spoke on a Twitter space about - • Getting started with Partner programs • Initiatives of Google, Microsoft, GitHub, OnePlus, and GeeksforG...
Hosted the Orientation session for the new cohort of mentees at Codess.Cafe along with Aarnav Jindal and Kirti Dabas.
Resume Review session Conducted a Resume review session for the Generation Google Scholarship applicants in association with GrihSangini, to help them in designing crisp and effective resumes, suit...
Collaborated with Ankita Jain, a fellow Generation Google APAC Scholar'21, for an AMA session based on the Generation Google APAC Scholarship, exclusively for Codess.Cafe members.
Twitter Space on Personal Finance & Investment Spoke on a Twitter space about - • The need to understand Finances • Managing Investments • Difference between Assets and Liabilities • Stable vs Unst...
Twitter Space on Getting Started with ML Spoke on a Twitter space about - • Getting started with Machine Learning • Building scalable products and solving real-life problems through ML • No code pl...
Collaborated with Bhanvi Menghani, a fellow Alexa Chapter Lead, for an online workshop based on 'Getting Started with Hacktoberfest through GitHub' and 'Building Alexa Skills for Beginners', to hel...
HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY! Had a wonderful time speaking about 'Open Source' with a focus on the 'Introduction to Git & GitHub' as a part of GS Impact Maker Workshop by GirlScript Foundation ...
Organized a hands-on session on 'Hack The Hacktoberfest' to introduce high school and undergraduate students more about the Open Source, the workflow of Git & GitHub, and some opportunities in Open...
Gave a hands-on session on Git commands for the second installment of the event 'Journey to Open Source with a GitHub Campus Expert' to help students get started with Open Source development throug...
Organized a hands-on session on the implementation of Git commands along with Git terminologies as a part of the event 'Git & GitHub', a 2-days long beginner-friendly event, for making students fam...
Gave a beginner-friendly session on 'Git & GitHub' for making students familiar with Open Source and Git terminologies along with insights on Hacktoberfest and GitHub Universe, in collaboration wit...
Gave a session on 'Journey to Open Source' to help students get started with Open Source development through Git & GitHub, in collaboration with MKSSS's Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Na...
YouTube tutorial video on building Alexa Skills - I was invited as a guest speaker by Shibam Dhar, founder of Codentech, for a beginner-friendly session on 'Getting started with Alexa Skills' and l...
YouTube video on GitHub Campus Experts - I was invited as a guest speaker by Kirat Alreja, to share my experience as a GitHub Campus Expert and to share some best practices to help students applyin...
I was invited as a speaker for the session 'Building for Under-represented groups' by Sohail Pathan, where I shared my journey and discussed my inspiration for this initiative, my engagement with D...
I hosted a short session on 'Getting started with Hackathons' which covers various aspects of the hackathons and similar events. It is focused on helping the budding hackathon aficionados by giving...