Built in public
Weekly Update #4

Hello everyone! I hope you're having a fantastic weekend. This was a pretty good week. I finished all the tasks I set out to do and did some more work. Here's my weekly progress update for https://useherald.com:

🥅 Goals for the past week:

  • Add ability to create custom changelog templates
  • Add pictures of widget and public page to home page
  • Figure out how to get signups
  • Deploy app in the monorepo
✅ Finished:

  • Add ability to create custom changelog templates
  • Add pictures of widget and public page to home page
  • Figure out how to get signups
  • Deploy app in the monorepo
  • Add banners feature in the app dashboard
  • Add a simple blog to write about Herald
🎯 Actionable goal for the this week:

  • Put marketing plan in to action
  • Add banners feature in the widget
  • Show an example of banner on the website
  • Ship waitlist feature (last one before I launch)
🙃 Struggles

I've made this mistake before and I'm on the verge of doing it again. As a developer, I like to build but I haven't spent nearly enough time on marketing. That changed this week. I've been studying how to go about marketing my product. This week I'm slowing down the building a lot (whatever coding task I set are pretty trivial) and work on some of the marketing stuff I've planned. Honestly I feel like I'm way out of my depth 😅, and feel anxious but I gotta do it. That's the only way to reach my goals.